Q. How do I access the Mason Library online material from off-campus?
- All
- 2academic technology
- 6access
- 2Apple
- 1bluefire
- 2book
- 1books
- 3Borrowing
- 2Circulation Laptops
- 1citations
- 1Computers
- 4Databases
- 3eBooks
- 1embed
- 4faculty
- 2file-type
- 1General Info
- 2Help
- 2HGS
- 5ILLiad
- 6Interlibrary Loan
- 1Kanopy
- 1MFP
- 1microfilm/microfiche/microform
- 2Monitors
- 1network access
- 1OER
- 2off campus
- 3Office 365
- 1Open Access
- 1Open Educational Resources
- 2own device
- 1peer reviewed
- 1peer-reviewed
- 1powerpoint
- 1presentations
- 6printing
- 1Proxy
- 2remote access
- 1research
- 1returning material
- 1Scanning
- 1Site License
- 1staff
- 1streaming video
- 8student
- 1website evaluation
- 1Wifi
- 1wireless
- 1Word
Answered By: Dana Clark Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023 Views: 244
How do I access the Mason Library online material from off-campus?
Mason Library's online resources are available to anyone on or off campus provided that they access our resources via the paths provided by the library web pages.
Off-campus patrons will require one additional step of logging into our off-campus proxy system using the information included on your Owl Card - specifically you will need:
- Your last name
- 7-digit Barcode
Browse for resources as usual via WorldCat Discovery, online databases, or the library Catalog, for example- and when you access material that is restricted to Keene State College patrons you will be presented with a login screen like the one pictured below. Once you're logged into the system you should be able to browse Mason Library's onine resources as if you were on campus.
If you experience difficulty accessing material please report the problem here and someone from the library will look into the situation and get back to you.
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