Q. How do I print from my personal laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other device?
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Answered By: Dana Clark Last Updated: Sep 07, 2023 Views: 1066
How do I print from my personal laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other device?
Using KSC's print management system one can print to the Mason Library printers from your own person computer or from any computer outside of the library.
Use this URL: http://print.keene.edu
which will open this log-in page:
Enter your KSC NetID and your KSC password and click on Log in.
Click on Submit a Job:
On the next screen chose how many copies of the document you need, and then click on - `3. Upload Documents`
Click on `Upload from computer` which will open an explorer Window.
Navigate to your document using the explorer. If you need help you can ask a student assistant or email librarysystems@keene.edu.
When your document has been successfully uploaded you will see an icon for it on the Web Print page. Click on `Upload & Complete` to upload your document for printing.
When your document has finished uploading you will returned to the main Web Print page. Here you may continue to upload additional documents.
To print your documents, you must go to one of the four release stations located in the library.
There are two located on the first floor of the library, both to the left past the front desk after entering the library. One is located inside of classroom 104. The other is just outside of classroom 104.
The other two release stations are on the second floor of the library. After going up the main stairs, one of the release stations is located at the far end of the seating area to the left. The other release station can be found to the right after reaching the top of the main stairs, in the A-PQ section of the Main Collection.
The print stations can be easily identified by their login in screen. Enter your KSC NetID and click the `Log in` button.
After logging in, you will be presented with your currently queued documents. To print the document, click `Print`, or to remove the document from the queue, click `cancel`.
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