Q. How do I convert my file to a format my professor can see?
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Answered By: Jenny Darrow Last Updated: Aug 06, 2024 Views: 6
How do I convert my file to a format my professor can see?
This happens when your professor does not have the software to open the file you sent. A common example is when a student creates a file using their native Apple software without converting it to a more universally used software. Students can convert Apple files such as Pages, Numbers, or Keynote to Microsoft Word or PDF. The steps to convert file formats are simple and can be found here. To avoid the file conversion step, use Microsoft Office unless your professor says otherwise.
OneDrive and the Microsoft Office 365 platform provide built-in integration with other Microsoft Office suite tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Microsoft Office 365 is free for KSC students.
Frequently asked questions about KSC’s OneDrive can be found here.
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