Answered By: Dana Clark
Last Updated: Mar 01, 2017     Views: 28

Using Adobe Digital Editions

To download Adobe Digital Editions, go to this page and select the appropriate installer for your system.


Once the installer is done downloading, navigate to the Downloads folder on your computer and launch the installer. Click the 'Run' button if a security warning windows pops up, and then click the 'Yes' button if a window pops up asking if you want to allow the installer to make changes to your computer.


A window with the Software License Agreement for Digital Editions will then pop up. Click the check box to accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click the 'Next' button. Click the 'Next' button again in the new window, and then click the 'Install' button that appears to begin installing Adobe Digital Editions.


After the installation, click the 'Close' button to close the installer and launch Adobe Digital Editions. When Digital Editions launches, you will be presented with a window that shows your Digital Editions bookshelves which should already contain the "Getting Started with Adobe Digital Editions" eBook.


To find an eBook, use this guide. Once you have selected an eBook to borrow and the download is complete, open the downloaded '.acsm' file in your Downloads folder.


Opening the '.acsm' file should open a computer authorization window in Digital Editions if it is your first time opening a downloaded eBook in Digital Editions. You will need an Adobe ID to view downloaded eBooks in Digital Editions. Select 'Adobe ID' from the drop down menu. If you already have one enter your credentials and click 'Authorize', or click 'Create an Adobe ID'.


Fill out the form that clicking 'Create an Adobe ID' opens in your browser and click 'Sign Up' to create your Adobe ID.


After successfully creating an Adobe ID, return to the Digital Editions authorization window, enter your credentials and click 'Authorize'. NOTE: Your Adobe ID is the email that you used to sign up.


You will now be able to read your downloaded eBooks using Adobe Digital Editions by double clicking on them in your bookshelves.